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    Premature ejaculation is a form of sexual dysfunction that can adversely affect the quality of a man’s sex life. It is when an orgasm or “climax” occurs sooner than wanted.

    There may occasionally be complication with reproduction, but premature ejaculation (PE) can also adversely affect sexual satisfaction, both for men and their partners.

    In recent years, the recognition and understanding of male sexual dysfunction has improved, and there is a better understanding of the problems that can result from it.

    The information here aims to demystify the causes of PE and outline effective treatment options.

    Researchers have found that Kegel exercises, which aim to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, can help men with lifelong PE.

    Forty men with the condition underwent physical therapy involving:

    1. Physio-kinesiotherapy to achieve muscle contraction.
    2. Electro-stimulation of the perineal floor.
    3. Bio feedback, which helped them understand how to control the muscle contractions in the perineal floor.

    We are Not Medical practitioner and We do not use or prescribe any kind of Medicines in our Sessions.
