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Stammering in Hindi is called Haklana and in English is called stuttering. Today we’ll talk about that what is stammering? Stammering is a psychological & emotional disorder, but by mistake people have called it as neurological disease, and these same people visit neurologist, speech therapist, hypnotherapist, they don’t have any treatment, if they can treat it’s temporary treatment. Stammering can be compared with iceberg example, because stammering is an iceberg, iceberg means that only 10% of the problem is on the surface and the other 90% is hidden underwater like deep-rooted psychological & emotional disorder, and by the treatment of this it can be treated.
20% of the people stammer sometimes, but 1% people are suffering from this disease, it means till the age of 5, 20% of all kids stammer, but when they grow to the age of about 5 – 7 years only 1% of the children are affected by stammering. Parents commonly neglect this disease, and they think that it will be automatically corrected, but in this, the kid suffers the most because their peers laugh at them, everyone makes fun of them, do mimicry of them, and due to this they feel humiliated.
From their school life, their mind gets disturbed, their confidence gets disturbed, they have low self-esteem, they do not want to go in front of people, they don’t want to sit in a group of people, everyday they feel that there is something missing in them, if they want to say something they stop themselves because they think that if they speak they might stammer, people will laugh at them, others will make fun of me and won’t listen to me like this. Such children have many psychological issues and they are emotionally disturbed due to stammering.
Stammering can be treated in a minimum one month and in maximum three months can be healed. Is stammering problem is genetic? No, this disease isn’t genetic, but I’ll say that in this disease parents have 20% – 30% indulgence. Are medicines are impactful in stammering? There is no role of medicine to treat it because it is not a physical disorder it’s a mental block, there is the role of drugs, there are no medicines for the treatment of stammering.
The most popular questions to discuss mental health
There is a shortage of positivity in such people like Peace of mind, Connection, Love, Happiness, Family Connection, Physical Strength, Mental Strength, Confidences, Acceptances, Acceptance of Reality and there is such a lots of positive things are very missing in them.
Today we are talking about Bipolar disorder, this disease comes under the age of 16 to 30 years and its comes to both male and female. Bipolar disorder means sometime the man’s is depressed, sad and sometime very excited and euphoric. This disease also has the cycles.
A Euphoric cycle if of 4 weeks than the depression cycles is of 8 weeks. If the man who is very euphoric then he think that fine, super intelligent, superman and I can do anything and when they are depressed then they thinks that my life is over, I cannot do anything and my life is useless and worthless and they feel guilt and shameless. When the man is so euphoric then to control them is very loaded and sometime they have to admit to hospital. These people sometimes get too much of sleep and sometime very little sleep.
Stammering can be treated in a minimum one month and in maximum three months can be healed. Is stammering problem is genetic? No, this disease isn’t genetic, but I’ll say that in this disease parents have 20% – 30% indulgence. Are medicines are impactful in stammering? There is no role of medicine to treat it because it is not a physical disorder it’s a mental block, there is the role of drugs, there are no medicines for the treatment of stammering.
No there no matter about age limit, an 80-year-old person can be treated and also 10-year kid can be treated but as soon as they visit they will be a treat as more quickly. So when should people visit, people should not be in a hurry, before 5-7 years they should not attend and from 7-15 years they should visit anytime at this age stammering can be treated earlier, it can be treated in 10 days also.
Yes there is a temporary treatment, people go for hypnotherapist, speech therapist but it’s a brief treatment it doesn’t last long, this is not the right way of treatment. Is anyone benefited with this temporary treat? Yes 5-10 % people are helped with this but within 1 year they stubble as they were earlier, because as I say that it’s is an iceberg means, from above it looks like 10% problem but 90% problem is deep rooted, and if you treat the only surface, treatment can’t take for lengthy period.
Ok, so it does have an instinct treat. There is no instinct treat. When one parent does should be concerned about their child fluency, child talking techniques? At the age of 6-8 years, parents should be worried about stammering, and we should involve someone and this as soon as possible this disease should be treated and it will nice for the child. Which situations are there when kids stammer? When the child is harmful, full of doubts and when they have feelings of rejections, sense of failure, low self- esteem they suffer a lot. How do deal with this, how should we respond them? Yes, it’s an excellent question, if anyone in your family stammers so you should listen to him with lots of patience, just like you have free time to look to his/her whole things and as many as you listen to him with patience, that much his/her stammering will be treat at least 10-20%.
No, he/she will get confidence, stammering occurs because they speak up with quickness, it’s in a mind of a person that people will listen to me and if you give an excellent instinct so he/she will get patience and it will treat.
Yes by this kids are more affected, and psychologically they become weak, and their confidence gets very bad, and for a lifetime he/she is unable belief that he can do something in life. At the end what would you like to tell us about stammering?
What I would like to know about stammering is that it’s a mental illness, there are more than 50 reasons for this disease occurring and if this disease can be treated in 1 month so why to suffer more. I’ve seen that parents neglect and think that what he/she is trying to say we can understand, now what’s the need for treatment but the child suffers, and he/she is unable to speak, and the child thinks that this disease cannot be treat, I also guess that people think that this disease cannot be treat, so where to go for its treatment, maybe it’s an ignorance that’s why people suffers due to stammering. In last I’ll say that stammering is an mental illness and can be treated and as soon as you contact us as earlier you will get its solution and I within 3-5 hours I have developed a mind mapping test, I within half-an-hour say why the person stammers & what’s it reasons, and the reasons person told us & which comes in a test, I deal with it and stammering is treated.
Speech Therapy: A speech-language pathologist can help improve speech fluency through various techniques, such as smooth speech practice, breath control, and relaxation exercises.
Behavioral Therapy: Techniques to manage anxiety and stress related to speaking can help reduce the impact of stammering.
Support Groups: Joining support groups can provide encouragement and practical tips from others who stammer.
Practice and Patience: Regular practice of speech techniques and exercises recommended by a speech therapist can improve fluency over time.
Positive Environment: Encouraging and supportive environments at home, school, or work can help reduce pressure and improve communication.
Self-Acceptance: Embracing one's speech patterns and focusing on effective communication rather than perfection can improve confidence.
Speech-Language Pathologists: Offer information, support, and advocacy for individuals with bipolar disorder.
Stammering Associations: Provide peer support and shared experiences, which can be helpful for both individuals with bipolar disorder and their families.
Online Forums: Communities where individuals can share experiences and advice about managing stammering.
Stammering often improves with age and appropriate intervention. Early diagnosis and treatment can significantly benefit individuals in managing their speech and reducing the impact on their lives.
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