Depression| Autism| schizophrenia| Natural Treatment

September 21, 2018 at 12:11 pm · · 0 comments

You are training your children to ignore you.

September 21, 2018

 “Don’t eat junk food…. go to the gym…. don’t sleep all day…. clean your room….” As an obese teenager my mother nags at me all the time, usually about my weight or sedentary lifestyle. The problem is I am already used to tuning her out whenever she starts talking about gym or food. Why wouldn’t I? With adulthood I do understand that it is for my best, however it only makes me realize more of my faults and shortcomings than providing any real motivation to go to the gym or eating healthy.

Almost every household has a mother nagging at her son or daughter to drink their milk, do the homework or to keep things at their proper place. Fairly common right? What you don’t know is how dangerous this nagging can be over extended periods of time. So I wanted to look deeper into this interaction.

While doing research for this article I came across many articles that tried to explain why women nag, most of them said that women nag because ‘to get their way’ or ‘to hurt someone’. Some even tried to explain that nagging is a woman’s response when she is threatened or when they feel insecure. That however is not true I discovered.

Well you might be wondering why your wife nags so much or why your mother nags so much or maybe you might even be a woman wondering why people say that you nag or why do people tune you out.

The answer is rather simple: Women are more inclined to be concerned and worried for other people. They are more concerned for other people and relate to them easily.

“The message here is that, with female relatives, it can be a two-sided thing, they may be the people you most depend on, but also the people who nag you the most. It’s a testament to their deeper engagement in social ties.” Said Claude Fischer from UC Berkeley and Bar-Ilan University in Israel in a press release.

With all my research the following things became obvious.

Nagging only makes your child feel incompetent

To save your children from getting hurt and learning from your experiences parents coerce, scold, complain and nag. Parenting is a difficult job and sometimes these are the only options left. Many a times parents feel like their teenager is not ready to face the real world and they feel a loss of control when the said teens start taking their own decisions. But the fact is nagging teens, telling them what to do, constantly giving them instructions, or checking back on their jobs makes them feel incompetent and unloved, which is that last thing you wanted them to feel. So it is important to distance yourself and respect your teenager.

Nagging at teens makes them feel like the you’re just trying to get your way

Nobody like to be told what to do over and over again. It is toxic to the relationship between you and your child. According to Dr. Robery Myers, a psychologist who has been treating parent child relationships for 25 years, says that “the more you nag, the less they hear,” which is why when you try to have a meaningful conversation they don’t want to hear it. “Nagging at teens makes them feel manipulated” he says. Teens want to experience independence and backfire when parents try to force decisions on them. Instead we should accept it  as a process of them growing up and give them space.

Nagging makes your child want to ignore you

Nagging teaches your kids to stop listening. When parents point out what the child is not doing instead of noticing what he is doing, which is inherently a negative conversation. Dr Myers warns us that “Nagging is a way of finding fault, and it tends to wear people down instead of build them up.” Children might think that they can’t do anything or even worse stop trying. Nagging conveys our lack of confidence in them to go about their life. It trains them to tune us out because they assume we are going to say the same thing or criticise them.

Teens feel alienated when parents try to control them

Parents nag their teens largely because they are scared of losing control, and to ensure that their children are safe. Many a mothers are worried that their child might be with wrong influence, skipping class, failing exams or doing illegal activities. “When parents nit-pick their teenagers over little things, it just makes the children feel alienated. They may argue, they may ‘yes’ their parents, but whatever the outcome, they feel disrespected, they feel put down and they become antagonistic.” Says Mike Nicole, author of “Stop Arguing with Your Kids”

It is natural for someone to want to defend oneself when someone critics them. It makes them feel like they are by themselves.

Nagging is a short term victory      

Maybe your parents nagged, and you fell into the same habits, after all there is hardly a comprehensive guide on raising children perfectly. It is a learning process. What works for someone else might not work for you. Everyone has a unique child. Well maybe you even get a thrill out of it, be proud admit it. Many moms nag because they are anxious and worried about their own future. They don’t want their children to make the same mistakes they did. Nagging may work in the short term because your child may have no choice but to comply, however, it does not make you child independent and responsible. That takes time, and an commitment to change habits.

Nagging makes your child makes him secretive

 Whenever you berate your child for something they did, they become more secretive and scared of you and reparations of their shortcomings. Constantly picking and pointing out flaws in children makes them loose trust in themselves, experience loss of confidence and low self-esteem. Many children stop sharing their lives, try to hide their mistakes and make sure they are never caught. Such children are more likely to develop anxiety in their later years.

September 19, 2018 at 12:19 pm · · 0 comments

Clutter Anxiety

September 19, 2018

Why Clutter and Anxiety go hand in hand

From an early age we are trained to clean our rooms, our drawers and our dressers. So it is almost instinctual for some people to want to clean up when they see a mess in their homes or offices.

A large volume of clutter can cause sensations of agitation, irritation and anger in many individuals, and even more so in women as suggested by a study conducted by the UCLA’s Center on Everyday Lives and Families.

To help you relive such a situation, let me recreate it for you. Imagine you come home after a long workday, tired and beaten down by your work or the poor traveling conditions, but you finally made it, home sweet home.

As soon as you step in you can’t help but be alarmed by the used cups of tea your fiancé left on the table, toys that your child forgot to pack up and all the dust that the maid didn’t clean.

You almost enter a state of panic and alarm.

Well maybe you don’t have that kind of a reaction, maybe you just say “Huh whatever” and roll into bed, or maybe you decide to clean it the next day and move on.

Good for you, but if you feel the desperate need to clean, it is very likely that you’re facing some form of anxiety. It doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with you, a lot of women feel rage and sensory over stimulation from all the mess.

Some even feel a sense of dread and depression.

According to Psychologist Sherrie Borg Carter,

Clutter can play a significant role in how we feel about our homes, our workplaces, and ourselves. Messy homes and work spaces leave us feeling anxious, helpless, and overwhelmed. Yet, rarely is clutter recognized as a significant source of stress in our lives. 

  • Clutter overwhelms us because it causes an overload of stimuli to our brain
  • It is distracting to our brain as it makes us think that our work is not done
  • It makes it difficult for us to relax
  • It causes anxiety in anticipation of the cleaning up process
  • It impedes creating and workflow
  • It makes it harder for us to find our tools and resources

Such an issue arises because according to many women, the responsibility of caring for the family and keeping the house clean is solely on women. It is however not true, the responsibility of cleaning your premises can be shared with the family. So whenever you feel the urge to go ballistic after seeing clutter, take a deep breath sit down and relax for a bit.

Here are some quick tips to help you deal with this kind anxiety:

  1. As stated before, it is a team game, work with your family on cleaning the house, create responsibility in your fiancé and children to help split up the work. If it is not possible you can consider hiring a maid, however do keep in mind that cleaning the house is a good exercise and way to wind down.
  2. Organize your racks and storage areas. So when you need it, you can find it in a snap. And a Pro-tip from Sherrie Bourg Carter, ‘Store your stuff in closed racks, keeping them on open racks does not remove the visual stimuli of clutter.’ So storing it in drawers and cases where you cannot see it is a great way to avoid it.
  3. Recycle, Resell, or Donate what you don’t use. Having less things to worry about will help you manage your home better. A good idea is to sell anything that you haven’t used in six months AND don’t foresee yourself needing in the next six.
  4. Cultivate the habit of placing things you use in their designated spot once you’re done using them. Simple right? Takes time to train the habit.
  5. Create a reward system for your family, treat them for keeping the house clean. Heck it can be a great game to be played with the family. Your imagination’s the limit here.

If this help you come to ease with the sensation of panic when you see clutter, maybe you need help, first off its important for you to understand that everyone deserves to be happy, you too. So don’t hesitate to seek help. Anxiety can run much deeper than what is caused by clutter, it could be caused by some bad experiences or bad memories, to get help read more here.

September 18, 2018 at 12:27 pm · · 0 comments

The common drug for Gastro that causes depression, anxiety and brain damage.

September 18, 2018

If you’re someone who faces gastric acid build up, you very well be suffering from the most common chronic disease in the world: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). It is a situation where the stomach acid flows back into the oesophagus, one feels a burning sensation as the corrosive acid burns the oesophageal lining.

These Drugs: Omeprazole; work by blocking the production of gastric acid. These drugs designed for short term relief, are used by millions of people on a daily basis. And the consequences are equally dangerous.

Researchers state that bacteria in our gut help the functioning of our brain by producing certain hormones or neurotransmitters. And similarly our emotional responses affect our gut bacteria.

As the title of the post suggests, this study suggests that Proton Pump Inhibitors like Omeprazole can raise the risk of creating depression.

A study conducted by Wei-Sheng Huang, from the Department of Psychiatry at the Taipei Veterans General Hospital concluded that “patients with major depression had a greater prevalence of higher cumulative defined daily dose”, meaning that patients that took omeprazole for longer had greater odds of developing depression and anxiety disorders.

The author suggests that the following is a probable ca


The drugs might raise depression risk by dysregulating the gut-brain axis, they suggest, or by preventing the organism from properly absorbing nutrients after the use of stomach drugs.

Some of the identified side effects of Omeprazole are:

  1. Increased Risk of Bone Fracture
  2. Pneumonia
  3. Calcium Deficiency
  4. Loss of Red Blood Cells
  5. Chronic Fatigue
  6. Intestinal Infections
  7. Anemia
  8. Multiple Nutrient Deficiencies
  9. Heart Arrhythmias

A team of Stanford researchers examined 2.9 million cases to come to the conclusion that: Regular use of Proton Pump Inhibitors like Omeprazole increases the risk of heart attack by a deadly 16% and doubles the probability of death by heart attack, stroke, or, other cardiovascular diseases.

Why does a Drug for Stomach Acid Remedy Cause Heart attacks?

A Proton Pump Inhibitor works by blocking secretion of gastric acid in the stomach. Gastric acid is necessary to digest food, break down proteins, and signal the pancreas to secrete juices. PPI impair the cells that line blood vessels. So, Blood Vessels are more rigid and less able to properly dilate. Stiff and clotted blood vessels are prone to heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases.

Treat your Digestion Naturally!

How to Boost your Stomach Acid?

It is a misconception that too much stomach acid causes stomach burns, on the contrary it’s the low levels of stomach fluids that causes stomach burns.

  • Chew 15-20 times per morsel
  • Drink 2 table spoons of apple cider vinegar
  • Have some lemon water between meals.

September 17, 2018 at 12:29 pm · · 0 comments

The dangers of anxiety medicines prescribed to you.

September 17, 2018

 “a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome”

-anxiety meaning

“Mother needs something today to calm her down

 “And though she’s not really ill “There’s a little yellow pill

 “She goes running for the shelter of a mother’s little helper…”

Rolling Stones, 1966

Everybody feels fear at some points of their life, however when the fear does not fade away and persists, or gets worse, you could be suffering from anxiety. You can read more about causes and symptoms of anxiety here.

People face problems and upsets in their lives that cause Anxiety, Depression and other Mental Problems. However the claims that these “Mental Diseases” caused by “Chemical Imbalances” in the brain can be cured by dangerous drugs is foolish, false and fatal.

The drugs prescribed to you simply treat your symptoms, not the real disease. These drugs treat symptoms like feelings of depression, not the real cause of depression or anxiety.

What medications are prescribed to Anxiety Patients?

Many types of medications are prescribed to help treat anxiety. The most common medicines are:

  • Benzodiazepines (typically prescribed for short-term use)
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (Long Treatment)
  • Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)


Benzodiazepines are a class of drugs primarily used for treating anxiety. Brain cell communicate with each other through electrical and chemical signals. These transmitters called neurotransmitter. Benzodiazepines affect neurotransmitters in the brain, and regulate chemicals in our brain that affect mood and emotions. Benzodiazepines slow down neural activity, and so it is used for treating anxiety. As stated earlier Benzodiazepines are used for short term treatment of anxiety.

 Some common side effects of it are

  • Weakness
  • Sedation
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Confusion
  • Anger
  • Violent Bouts
  • Irritation
  • Aggressive behaviour
  • Memory loss

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

SSRIs are some of the most common anti-depressants. SSRIs work by improving the function of brain cells that regulate emotions. Brain cell communicate with each other through electrical and chemical signals. These neurotransmitters are dysfunctional or not optimally functioning in cases of depression. In very few cases, people taking SSRIs can develop a serious condition called serotonin syndrome.

 Some Common Side Effects are:

  • Indigestion
  • blurry vision
  • dehydration
  • insomnia
  • drowsiness
  • decreased libido
  • erectile dysfunction
  • Although some of these side effects are temporary, many other side effects like sexual problems may persist even after stopping medication.

Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)

SNRIs block the reabsorption of neural transmitters in the brain. SNRIs are dangerous because SNRI Withdrawal is very common. Missing a few doses or stopping the medication all together can cause a host of problems like Anxiety, weakness and dizziness.

SNRIs can cause

  • mild nausea
  • Dryness in oral cavities
  • Dizziness
  • headache and excessive sweating
  • SNRIs can even cause
  • Constipation
  • Insomnia
  • loss of appetite
  • weakness
  • and host of other sexual problems
  • It is also dangerous for people with high blood pressure and liver disease.

What are Anti-Depressants?

Anti-depressants are drugs designed to treat depression, sometimes they are prescribed for conditions like anxiety and insomnia. It is necessary to note that they are only effective in supressing depression, and not treating depression. It is popularly believed that excessive activity of nerves may be the cause of anxiety and other psychological disorders. Anti-Depressants work differently from person to person, so a patient may have to try a multitude of medicines before they find one suitable for them. Even when a person starts taking anti-depressants it is necessary to consult a doctor before stopping medication. And if one does stop taking medications, the symptoms of anxiety return.

Do Anti-Depressants help?

Well according to Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality all antidepressant medications work about as well as each other to improve symptoms of depression. They also state that once a person starts taking anti-depressants it is hard to get off medications. So is it even worth it?

Ram Verma, an Entrepreneur based in Mumbai has suffered from depression for over 10 years, after being diagnosed with depression and getting prescribed Prozac, Ram took the medication for two years, he had this to say: “Taking the pills made me feel like a dead man, I had no energy and it took 1-2 days for the effects of the pills to wear off”

Kavita, a Media Professional, was also prescribed anti-depressants, said she had no interest in leaving the house after taking the pill. She also mentioned not wanting to socialize with anyone.

Both Kavita and Ram however were lucky enough to get treatment from Kailash Mantry, and were able to safely get off their medicines without any side effects.

Side effects of Anti-Depressants:

Anti-Depressants are extremely dangerous for your heart, as an overdose can lead to rapid or irregular heart beat can negatively affect your cardiovascular system, and even lead to heart attack or death. Anti-Depressants can even cause irregular spikes in your ECG. So it is extremely dangerous for not only heart patients but everyone.

  1. Abrupt withdrawal of medication can cause anxiety, confusion, dizziness, and agitation.
  2. Duloxetine can cause liver damage and should be avoided by alcohol drinkers at all costs, and even people that have liver disease.
  3. Venlafaxine causes increased cholesterol levels, it can also decrease appetite, random weight loss, increased blood pressure, when using venlafaxine.
  4. Medicines like Xanax which are Benzodiazepines lead to many problems like hypertension, decreased sex drive, disinhibition, emotional dysfunction, depression, sudden anger and violence tendencies, memory loss, struggled thinking and lowered mental capacity.
  5. Anti-Depressants can cause sexual dysfunction, strong headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, diarrhoea, and Weight fluctuation.
  6. Sometimes drugs can cause paradoxical effects, where in some tests, the person experiences negative impact on symptoms instead of any improvements. It can lead to severe suicide desire and violent thoughts.
  7. This study from BMJ also states that anxiety medicines may double the risk of suicidal thoughts in children and people under the age of 24.

Anti-Depressants and Weight Gain

Anti-Depressants can invariably result in uncontrolled weight gain or weight loss. Studies show that a significant portion of people taking anti-depressants experience this effect.

Weight gain can be a sign of your medication not working for your body. Consult your doctor to switch to another form of medicine.

Antidepressants and Pregnancy

Consuming anti-depressants during pregnancy is extremely dangerous for the foetus and cause complications during birth.

Consult your doctor if you should continue taking medicine.

Antidepressants and Alcohol

Alcohol is dangerous to people consuming alcohol, it worsens the symptoms of anxiety. It can also cause certain side effects.

Consult your doctor about the potential risks of consuming alcohol while you’re on anti-depressants.

Antidepressants and Pregnancy

Consuming anti-depressants during pregnancy is extremely dangerous for the foetus and cause complications during birth.

Consult your doctor if you should continue taking medicine.

Antidepressants and Alcohol

Alcohol is dangerous to people consuming alcohol, it worsens the symptoms of anxiety. It can also cause certain side effects.

Consult your doctor about the potential risks of consuming alcohol while you’re on anti-depressants.

Long term implications of Anxiety Medication:

Anxiety medication are capable of causing severe side effects, and should be avoided in all but the severest of cases. When one considers all the risks stated above its easy to understand why they are such a dangerous treatment. If you are taking medicine, work on making sure your anxiety is getting cured in the long term.

Why our Treatment is Different:

Neeraj Kumar Singh, a patient of Specific Phobia Disorder, said that he had no interest in doing anything, felt like his head was too heavy, experienced too many negative emotions and had harboured many ill feelings towards the world. He took many medicines to no obvious benefits. After treatments with Life Coach Kailash Mantry he felt confidence and ready to take a target of earning 3 core rupees. To learn more about his experiences and feelings you can watch his video here.

Pritam Das is one of our patient, an engineer based in Pune. After dealing with the death of his mother had to start working long hours to earn money, and lost connection with his family, said it was the cause of his anxiety, Kailash Mantry said that Pritam had issues making decisions quickly. After helping Pritam experience the feeling of family, love, Business success and many more topics he was ready to take on the game of life. He shared his life authentically and surrendered to the training. Lastly he advised all people facing with anxiety to stop dealing with anxiety by themselves, instead asking them to come to a life coach with your life and get cured. To experience his story, click here.

So it is important to understand the depression medication is no cure for depression. It is simply treating the symptoms. Depression medicines regulate chemicals in our brain called neurotransmitters that affect mood and emotions.


Vgontzas, AlexandrosN, Anthony Kales, and E. O. Bixler.Benzodiazepine side effects: role of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Pharmacology 51.4 (1995): 205-223.

September 13, 2018 at 12:34 pm · · 0 comments

How to help a Slow Learner

September 13, 2018

Teacher’s and Parent’s role is very important in slow learners life.

They need to motivate and guide these children to overcome the problem of slow learning. It’s in their duty to create a healthy and suitable environment for the slow learner to study.

Often teachers find it very difficult to cope up with the syllabus when they have slow learners in the class. Parents are also confused about the method to nurture their slow learner child.

A teacher or parent needs to search for lessons and other resources that make it easier to differentiate the methods of teaching and make learning more significant and interesting. They can take help from the special education sites on the internet. These sites also provide various play way methods to teach various concepts to these students. There will never exist a class without slow learners especially in government schools and colleges.

Methods in which Parents can help their slow learner child

Every child has the right to be loved and to excel in their life but this will happen only when the parents are understanding and supportive. This stands true in case of the slow learners as well. Parents of a slow learner need tosupport their child so much that he/she never feels different from other children. They also need to understand that only academics will not help a child to be successful. Having very high expectations from these children might sometimes make them upset. Every child is unique. Just like a clay which can be given any shape the artist desires.  Like the clay needs to be shaped to convert it into a masterpiece, Slow learners should also be guided and shaped in order to make the outstanding human beings.

Following are some of the simple ways in which  parents can help a slow student:

1. Acceptance

Accepting the fact that their child is a slow learner is the most difficult and stressful task. The parents need to be aware of the weaknesses and the strengths of their child. It is very important to understand the child does not need too much medical attention but love and care from parents. In 90%  of cases, there is no need to enroll the child in a special school. Accepting the child will solve 50% of his problem. The child will also feel comfortable and optimistic to work on his shortcomings. The will never feel burdened with expectations. He/she will grow and develop his/her skills at his/her pace.

2. Give Time to your child

Any parent having a slow learner child should understand that it is very important to spend quality time with their child. As neglect from parents and loved ones is one of the main cause of slow learning. Every child deserves proper love and care from parents. A child will always feel protected and confident in the company of his parents. They need extra time compared to other children to complete the given tasks. When parents dedicate extra time to such children, their rate of improvement is far better. No doubt, it is difficult for the parent to find some extra time from their busy schedule but there is always scope for quality time. Spending time with these children also will help the parents to work on the weakness of the child.

3. Creating a Conducive Environment for learning

It is the duty of the parents to provide their child with an atmosphere that suits and motivates the child to learn. Parents should make the study area peaceful and interesting. It is found that the slow learners are easily distracted and sometimes it is very difficult to hold their attention on one thing. Hence a quiet room for the study is extremely important. Parents can decorate the work area with colourful and attractive pin-ups which contain the summary of their child’s recent study material. They should always keep on changing the pin-up and charts in the child’s study area.

4. Help and guide your child

Parents must accept the fact that their child needs attention and help to study. It does not mean to complete their homework or assignment. It means to guide them to complete their homework and assignments. It also means to help them to understand the concepts that are taught by the teachers. Parents have an extra responsibility to make sure that the child is emotionally and physically sound. This can be done by constantly keeping a watch on the child or by asking them questions about the activities, the child did on that day. They can also motivate the child to maintain a diary in which the child can note his day to day activities. This will help the parents to know their child better.

5. Trust your child

Trust is the most significant factor in any relationship, so is it in the relation of a parent and the slow learner child. If the parents don’t believe in their child, it might have adverse and lifelong effects on the child’s overall performance. Showing faith in the slow learners will help to boost their confidence and will increase their interest in academics. Even if the child commits mistakes in the tasks that he has taken up, make sure to correct him politely. In such a situation, it is also important to trust your child. Constant belief in your child will give him the confidence to work hard and to improve himself.

6. Questioning is must

Parents should question the child continuously about their regular school activities. Questioning is also the best method to help the child in completing his regular homework. Parents can ask questions on the particular topic that was explained in the class and thereby find out if the child has understood the concept. It will also develop the reasoning ability of the child. This is also an effective way to know the activities that your child performed in school. The student needs to work hard to answer the questions based on his syllabus. The child will pay attention in order to answer the questions of his parents.

7. Reading

Parents are the first teachers of a child. The child always learns from the activities that his parents perform. Reading is the best way to gain knowledge. Slow learners generally find difficulty in reading. Hence the habit of reading to your child helps him/her to understand the concept as well as it develops their interest in reading. It will acquaint them with new words and increase their vocabulary. Give as many books as you can to your child. Motivate him/her to read.

8. Appreciate their efforts

Congratulate your child and offer rewards. Even if the achievement is not very noteworthy, appreciate the effort. By prolonging the time limit to complete the given work that a slow learner is unable to complete in the given time limit will make him feel appreciated. At the same time, it is important that the child does not lose his interest and potential to complete the task. This means that the parents must be ready to praise their slow learner child for what they do in school without considering its significance. However small the effort is, parents must always praise them to work hard.

9. Recognize their areas of interests

Children with slow learning skills are easily distracted. Identifying the activities that the child likes and motivating them to participate in such activities at home or at school would greatly improve their performance, confidence and social skills. This will also help them to excel in their lives. Expecting every child to excel in academics is a myth. Only academics will never help students to succeed.

10. Create a  timetable chart

Creating a chart that sets the time for various daily activities the child is expected to perform, would give the child a sense of responsibility and participation, encouraging him to complete the tasks on time. This chart should be more pictorial than verbal. As pictures will attract the attention of the child. Such a chart is very helpful for reminding the daily activities of the child. This chart will motivate the child to his regular activities on time.

11. Plan short activity sessions

Since the attention span of a slow student is comparatively less, letting the child work for multiple short sessions instead of a single long session for any activity would offer better results.  These small activities will increase the retaining power of the child. Working in small sessions will never be a burden to the child. In this situation, the child will learn as well as remember what he has learned. After every short session or before beginning the next session we can also revise whatever the child has learned earlier.

12. Allow Aids    

Allow your child to use aids to learn, such as post-it on the study table, computer desktop, calculators, memo pads, engraved markers and reminder cards. These aids are very important in the teaching-learning process. These will involve the child as an active learner in the learning process.

13. Be Verbal

 Be more oral and verbal with your child. Form easy tasks that are in tune with your child’s competence. Talk as much as you can with your child. Ask him about the activities done in the class, Homework assigned to him, the concepts that were discussed in the class. These will not only develop the speaking skills of the child but also improve your understanding and relationship with your child.

14. Practical expectations

As a parent, you expect your child to excel in everything he does. Practically, it is not possible. There’s nothing wrong with expectations, but they should be realistic enough. Having realistic expectations will not overburden the child at the same time it won’t dishearten the parents. It’s very important that the parents understand the limitations and the shortcomings of the child.

15. Continuous contact with the teacher

Teachers play an important role in educating children with slow thinking. One of the main responsibilities of parents is to interact with teachers to understand if there are other areas where their child needs help. Talk to teachers to effectively synchronize them at school and at home. Continuous contact with the teacher will also ease the teaching-learning process of the child.

16. Patience

Patience and Consistency are the key required qualities in the parents of a slow learner. Allow your child to make mistakes and learn from them. Don’t lose patience when a child is not able to retain a concept immediately like other children of his age. Rude behaviour will only reduce the confidence of the child to do certain activities.

17. Motivate your child

Do not allow a slow learner to give up on their work or themselves. Whenever necessary give break to your child as well as yourself. But make sure that to complete the task on the given day. If you don’t build up this feeling in your child, he will never understand the importance of hard work and will learn to give up easily.

18. Avoid Comparison with other children

It’s very human that the parents compare their children to other children. Do not compare the achievements of the other child with your child. The comparison will only lead to disappointment. Not only will the parent lose hope on his child but the child will also lose hope in himself. This will not help the child to progress in any way.

19.  Avoid being an overprotective parent

Don’t tell your child that he is incapable of doing certain things. The child will follow and believe that for his whole life and will never try to accomplish it. He will carry the burden and the tag of being a slow learner for his whole life. Instead, help the child to find new ways to do the things that he feels are not within his capability. Even if the child makes mistakes in the initial attempts, motivate him to stick to his attempts.

20.  Motivate Sibling affection

Siblings are very important in everyone’s life and the slow learner are no exception. Parents must keep a constant watch on the relationship between their children. They should be very careful while talking to their average child and the slow learner child. In no way, the slow learner should feel offended. If so, there are chances of the rivalry being developed. This will hinder the progress of the slow learner.

21. Provide Best Possible Nutrition

Studies have proved that children who do not get proper nutrition are more likely to become a slow learner. Proper and balanced diet is extremely important for meeting the basic nutrition needs of the child. Proper food and sound sleep are two basic needs of a growing child. Any deficiency in these may lead to enormous physical and mental problems.

There are two methods of incorporating a slow learner in a normal school:

1)Creating a classroom especially for the Slow learners

The Effectiveness of this method lies in the fact that the slow learners feel safe to learn with other children of their caliber. They don’t feel left out or over cared in this kind of classroom. It also becomes easy for the teachers to dedicate extra time to one single class rather than dedicating extra time in every class. However this method has drawbacks also as the student will never get exposure to be in the company of average students, it will be less challenging etc.

2) Creating a mixed classroom where 20% of students are slow learners and others are average

This method is also effective from the student’s point of view. Here he will have to face new challenges every day. Company of average students develops his inter-personal skills. It also gives him the benefit of getting extra attention and care from the teachers. It makes him confident and public. This method also has its own drawbacks. In this method, the teacher faces a lot of difficulties to handle both the category of students at the same time.

Whether you meet slow learners in a regular class or special class, it is extremely challenging to the teacher as well the student. Most important reason for this challenge is the limited attention span of these children compared to others. These students do need of special education and do well outside the classroom and show no evidence of having any problem in understanding. They are only weak in academics and interpersonal skills. Today, a very huge emphasis is given to academic preparation. Thus there is a growing need for remedial teaching to provide these students with excellent opportunities according to the needs of the changing world.

The student must be offered incentives that are appropriate. Depending on the student the best stimuli are those where the family works together on an assignment where the child has to prepare a model or has to attend a game. Through these, the student learns patience and the importance of waiting to be rewarded. A student needs to have a sufficient breakfast period to improve student performance.

Your Answer To How To Cure Learning Disabilities

Without any doubt, getting the answer to how to cure the problem of Slow Learning permanently, is not at all easy – unless of course, you approach the right person. So, let me introduce myself…

My name is CA Kailash Mantry. Okay, so who am I and how can I help you or someone you love, with finding the right and the best solution to how to control stammering while talking? I am a Mental Health Consultant & Life Coach. I cure many of the diseases which cannot be healed by medical science or doctors. Diseases such as EpilepsyMigraineArthritisSchizophreniaADHDAutismDepressionInsomniaDrug AddictionAlcoholismParkinson’s DiseaseAlzheimer’s Disease and there are many other diseases whose treatment has yet not been invented by medical sciences – but they can be cured!

Just One Call Away!

If you or someone you love is a slow learner and you are seeking the answers to how to cure learning disabilities at home, then you can be 100% sure of one thing – help is just one phone call away.

Rest assured, I have been helping people all over the globe, since the past 32 years. So when it comes to how to cure Slow learning , there is nothing that I don’t know.

After all, as I said,

I have been treating people all over the world and helping them find answers to how to stop slow learning  permanently – since the past 32 years!

All of my expertise and knowledge, is available to you.

help is just one call away, you can reach out to me


Phone: +91-9820026790 / 9137390672


Do Not Delay!

When you or someone you love is a slow learner, never delay in finding the answers to how to get rid of these Learning Disabilities. This is because the person who is suffering from this disability, could undergo more and more very deep rooted psychological and emotional problems, the longer you delay.

And the longer the delay, the worse the problems! So, without any delay, feel free to reach out to me for any problem that you or someone you love is facing with how to cure Slow Learning, I am always happy to help!

We are Not Medical practitioner and We do not use or prescribe any kind of Medicines in our Sessions.